Whiskey with Witcher

Talk, Suckers!

Episode Summary

We’ve reached the penultimate episode of The Hexer and we still have no clue what’s going on. So in a desperate attempt to help, we’ve paired this episode with Navigator Straight Bourbon, which to our delight and dismay proves to be much more enjoyable than what’s on screen. Geralt has a bunch of acid flashbacks, Ciri dons a lucha libre mask and Jaskier may or may not declare his love to his favorite witcher (we’re still a bit hazy on that). Speaking of Geralt, he doesn’t disappear, but Ciri does, while Eithne just never shows up, proving she may just be the smartest one of all. Oh, and we learn the whole thing may have been translated by a cat, which having now seen it, we can’t say is all that surprising.